All NAMI Support Groups are free!
Please contact our office at (901) 725-0305
Email us at info@namimemphis.org for more information
Family Support Group
Meets the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 6:45 PM via Zoom.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of Memphis
The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) is the leading peer-directed national organization focused on the two most prevalent mental health conditions – depression and bipolar disorder.
Meetings are held every Tuesday and Saturday.
Visit their website, DBSA of Memphis, for more information.
Suicide Anonymous
In person meetings are held on Sundays at 6:30PM
Hope Presbyterian Church, Room 232
8500 Walnut Grove Rd., Cordova, TN 38018
Visit their website, Suicide Anonymous, for more information.
For persons with a diagnosis of major mental illness. BRIDGES (Building Recovery of Individual Dreams and Goals through Education and Support) provides education and support to mental health consumers. Support groups are directed by trained class members who are themselves in recovery. They are free and available to everyone who has a diagnosis of mental illness. Support groups use a person-to-person approach to provide consumers with opportunities to learn and practice coping skills. One consumer described Bridges this way: “We learn that we are not alone. Our experiences, when shared, can be a foundation for recovery.”
BRIDGES Support Group
Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM.
Trafalgar Baptist Church
6161 Summer Ave., Memphis, TN 38134
SOS Schizophrenia & Schizoaffective Support Group
Meets the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month at 6:00 PM via Google Meets.
NAMI Homefront
A new educational course for family, caregivers and friends of military service members and veterans living with mental illness.
With Hope in Mind (WHIM)
For family members, friends and caregivers of adult mental health consumers. The With Hope in Mind support group provides a meaningful environment for individuals to receive help and support from others who are also trying to cope with the difficulties associated with caring for adult relatives who are mental health consumers.
*Classes are starting soon, every 8 weeks.
To pre-register, call (901) 725-0305. Seating is limited.
For families with children diagnosed with a mental illness under the age of 18.
The Beginnings support group provides a meaningful environment for primary care providers of a child or adolescent with mental illness to receive help and support for others who are also trying to cope with the difficulties associated with caring for a child or adolescent who is diagnosed with a mental health disorder.